Winter Activities For Students
It’s winter, and that means I can focus on doing winter activities for students in my classroom! And it also means where I live that cold weather and snow are here. How about you? What is winter like for you? Do you do any winter activities for students during this time?
Along with winter activities in my classroom, I also like to decorate the classroom door window and the classroom windows. I use seasonal window clings for this. At the beginning of the year, I start with flowers for the summer, then move to leaves for fall, and now we have snowflakes for winter. When it is the end of the school year, once again I will use flowers for spring. I find my students enjoy it and it adds a little whimsy to our classroom. Plus you can use them over and over again!
Making It Through The Winter Months In The Classroom
During the winter months scarves and boots help me make it through the day. I find both of them to be a huge comfort. And scarves help to add a little warmth if my classroom temperature is not to my liking. Winter activities for students are another thing that helps the 3rd quarter after winter break go a little more smoothly.
After winter break this year I am doing a winter sports theme with my ELA class periods. And I am doing a traditions theme with my social studies class period. I find that coming back from break is extremely tough, especially when there are cold mornings to face. But having themed lessons for a week or two helps me and my students to transition back into routine. Maybe you have read my previous blog posts Snowflake Winter Read Alouds and/or Back From Winter Break Activities, where I focused on thematic teaching with a winter theme. In this blog post, I have some new winter activities for students that can support your winter themed lessons. They can be used for a quick seasonal fun activity, indoor recess, Fun Fridays, or perhaps you have fast finishers and need something to help keep them occupied!
Winter Activities For Students: Happy New Year Word Search and Activities
Help ring in the New Year with your students by doing these Happy New Year Word Searches and Activities! This resource has 8 No Prep worksheets with New Year themed activities for your students to do.
This New Year’s resource includes…
1 Quick Write
2 Word Searches
2 Crossword Puzzles
2 Word Scrambles
1 Crack-The-Code New Year’s Sayings Worksheet
Winter Activities For Students: Winter Word Search and Activities
Want to focus on the winter season and winter words. Try this Winter Word Search and Activities with your students to bring in some seasonal fun around winter words.
This Winter resource includes…
1 Quick Write
2 Word Searches
2 Crossword Puzzles
2 Word Scrambles
1 Crack-The-Code Winter Sayings Worksheet

Winter Activities For Students: Winter Sports Word Search and Activities
This Winter Sports Word Search and Activities is great to use with your classroom during a winter sports themed unit. I will be using these especially with my ELA students to go along with our winter sports themed lessons.
This Winter Sports resource includes…
1 Quick Write
2 Word Searches
2 Crossword Puzzles
2 Word Scrambles
1 Crack-The-Code Winter Sports Sayings Worksheet

Winter Activities For Students: Groundhog Day Word Search and Activities
Don’t forget about Groundhog Day on February 2nd! Use this resource in your classroom to go along with the Groundhog Day festivities! Will it be early spring or more winter?
This Groundhog Day Word resource includes…
1 Quick Write
2 Word Searches
2 Crossword Puzzles
2 Word Scrambles
1 Crack-The-Code Groundhog Day Sayings Worksheet

Winter Activities For Students: Winter Fun Activities No Prep Worksheets
Maybe you would like to use all of the winter activities for students that I have mentioned above. You can grab the bundle here that has all 4 products at a discounted price.
This winter fun activities bundle includes…
4 Quick Writes
8 Word Searches
8 Crossword Puzzles
8 Word Scrambles
4 Crack-The-Code Sayings
A total of 32 No Prep winter activity worksheets!

Join my email list to receive this free Hot Chocolate Word Search and No Prep Activities by email!